Thursday, February 22, 2024

Furniture 1:24

 Hello dear readers, now I have made the 1:24 furniture for the shoe house. It was a nice fiddly job but I think it turned out nicely, made from coffee sticks and tongue depressors or pop sticks?


  1. Has hecho unos muebles preciosos, me había perdido tu nuevo proyecto, tiene una pinta estupenda

  2. Has hecho un gran trabajo, me encantan tus muebles !!!

  3. These are precious Gonda! I love everything! Great creativity and execution!

  4. Amazing furniture. I like it very much.

  5. Hi Gonda! I LOVE the furniture you made! It is just right to make it from popsickle sticks!! It is just the sort of rustic home-made touch that would be needed for a Fairy Tale Shoe House! :):)


Thank you very much for your comments

Greetings Gonda.