Thursday, February 13, 2025

Miniatures 1:48

 Hello dear readers, this time I show you what I made for the mill house, the living area of ​​the house is also almost finished, but you will see that later.

First a toilet made from a piece of plastic and processed with the dremel.

The toilet lid and water reservoir made of a piece of wood also the water fountain, everything is about 1 by 1 cm

And of course a gas stove also made of pieces of wood and paper and painted.

I could buy 2 small lazy chairs but no sofa so I made it myself. It's all a lot of fiddling and so small but a nice challenge.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The mill house 1:48

 Hello dear readers, I am now working on the mill house. The windows and doors placed, the outside covered with clay and with a piece of an old brush (made in model that it looks like brick) and pressed this into the wet clay and it worked it looks like brick.

In the meantime I put the small kitchen together, this little kitchen is so small and cute, quite a fiddly job.         I bought it at   https://www.melissasminiwereld

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The old mill 1:48

 Hello dear readers, first of all the best wishes for the new year!

After a long time a new project an old mill this was made by my husband and I will finish it.

Under the mill is a house and I can decorate it nicely, it is very small 1:48 so a new challenge in the meantime I have ordered small furniture, to be continued....

Friday, November 29, 2024


 Hello dear readers, it's been a while since I posted.

I'm not really crafting yet, no inspiration.

I have crocheted a few small things, which I always like to do. The sleeping mouse in the cup I got from an example, it's so cute.....



Saturday, March 16, 2024

1:24 shoe house finished

 Dear readers, the shoe house is ready and it was verry nice to do.

So I worked a lot with self-drying clay, such as the roof and the outside, and the plant against the wall painted and glued with green and yellow powder

It was quite a hassle to get the lace into the shoe, drilled holes in the clay and it worked

All furniture  I made of stir sticks and a semi-circular bench in the tip of the shoe, unfortunately I can't hang anything on the wall there because everything is round.

In between I crocheted a few new mice and they sit wonderfully on a homemade garden bench

In the bedroom I covered the walls with fabric and I made sink.
And a small garden with flowers and potting soil made from tea, glued in place

Well the mice are enjoying themselves on their balcony.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Furniture 1:24

 Hello dear readers, now I have made the 1:24 furniture for the shoe house. It was a nice fiddly job but I think it turned out nicely, made from coffee sticks and tongue depressors or pop sticks?

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Shoe house 1:24 part 2

 Hello dear readers and followers, and it's starting to look a lot like a shoe, a lot of work to make it but fun to do. First I put the frame together and covered it with very thin MDF and put the windows and doors in it, are made of plastic, which I still had lying around.

And then the clay, I first have to let some pieces dry again and then continue with the clay, and I managed to make a balcony on it at the front of the shoe.